
澳门足彩app is deeply committed to a sustainable future for our clients and our communities.

澳门足彩app致力于成为AEC行业环境可持续发展的领导者,这可以追溯到几十年前, continues today and will only expand into the future. We view our role in furthering sustainability in three dimensions:

  • Leading by example through continuous evaluation and improvement to make our operations more sustainable
  • Leading with service 通过创新的解决方案帮助我们的客户实现他们的可持续发展目标,满足他们的设施需求
  • Leading through support with active participation in organizations that have an impact in creating more sustainable communities

At 澳门足彩app, We Create Things That Matter, and contributing to a more sustainable world is a significant part of that.


— Frank Mangin, Operations President, Design & Consulting

Sustainably Certified Projects and 150+ Designed/Constructed Sustainably
1 +
Million Square Feet of LEED-certified Project Area valued at more than $2.4 Billion
States with Design-Build LEED-certified Projects
Countries with Design-Build LEED-certified Projects
Levels of LEED Certification: Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum

Sustainability Services

Sustainability Services

We provide comprehensive sustainability assessments of your facilities, helping you understand where improvement opportunities exist to reduce energy, water use and carbon emissions, as well as improving indoor air quality, environmental efforts and infrastructure. These assessments are the catalyst for developing strategies for system upgrades, replacements, renovations, renewable energy and much more. Our team will work with you to plan, prioritize, and estimate costs on your path to a more cost-conscious, environmentally friendly and sustainable future.

Our teams of specialists provide modern, 高性能和全方位的绿色基础设施设计,解决城市洪水,减轻气候挑战和灾害的影响. Our multi-disciplined specialists provide hybrid solutions, from engineered stormwater control designs to creating wildlife habitats for butterflies! 我们致力于创新和定制的基于自然的解决方案,结合灰色基础设施,为可持续和有弹性的社区提供服务, biodiversity, and ecosystems. 我们通过利用当地支持和融入社会价值观,建立了长期的合作伙伴关系, safety, and functional and cost-effective operability in our green infrastructure designs.

As the built environment is responsible for over 40% of all greenhouse gas emissions globally, 澳门足彩app将其在减少隐含碳和运营碳排放方面的作用视为帮助减轻气候变化影响的重要一步. We utilize the latest technologies, including Building Information Modeling (BIM), 生命周期评估(LCA)和澳门足彩app数据库,以设计和建造低碳或零碳足迹的设施.

Efficiency is critical to the success of any company. When it comes to energy, our architects and engineers, through an integrative design process, create buildings that are highly energy efficient, reducing your utility bills while providing indoor environments that are healthy and comfortable. Through the careful consideration of siting, orientation and massing, the use of early-phase and detailed energy modeling and lifecycle cost analyses, and best practices in envelope and systems design, to the procurement, installation and commissioning from our construction teams, 我们将为您提供最先进的项目,满足您的预算,同时降低您的能源成本,并对环境产生更积极的影响.

The impact of fossil fuels on global warming and climate change is significant. We have the power to change that. With our expert engineering and construction services, we specialize in transforming spaces with cutting-edge all-electric solutions. From LED lighting and air source heat pumps to smart grid technologies, electric vehicle charging and much more, we maximize efficiency, reduce costs and provide buildings that promote a more sustainable future.

We provide customized technical tools and designs for innovative, integrated, sustainable and resilient solutions for all water-use sectors. 我们的可持续社区水基础设施项目由计划性水规划推动,以支持每个社区的独特需求和未来发展. Our integrated approach considers climate variability, 干旱应急规划和保护激励措施和法规,以支持季节性和长期水资源规划,提高系统的抗灾能力.

可持续设施水基础设施项目通过系统分析和水审计,帮助找到定制的方法来实现水管理目标, recycling wastewater, effluent management, facility metering, leak detection and optimal facility sizing. Our comprehensive planning incorporates environmental permitting, regulatory compliance requirements and Best Management Practices, to deliver cost-effective and consolidated water management.

Source reduction is integral to sustainable waste management and environmental conservation efforts. Our teams will emphasize source reduction through the use of pre-manufactured or pre-engineered components, material efficiencies, process optimization, product reuse and recycled materials. Additionally, our construction teams will implement construction waste management plans to reduce waste to landfills. By considering local construction waste recycling facilities or other waste diversion opportunities, we can significantly reduce the impact of construction waste on our landfills.

澳门足彩app has a long history of incorporating renewable energy strategies in our projects, including installing photovoltaic systems, solar thermal, small-scale wind, geothermal, microgrids and more. Today, more than ever, 可再生能源对于实现《澳门足彩app》的目标和减少碳排放至关重要. 我们的团队将与您一起为您的项目确定最佳的可再生能源,并提供具有成本效益的设计, environmentally friendly and that allow you to showcase your dedication to sustainability.

澳门足彩app设计和/或建造了超过125个可持续认证项目,以及超过150个旨在满足第三方认证标准的项目. Whatever building standard you wish to pursue (or are mandated to pursue), 我们训练有素的可持续发展人员将以综合的方式与您合作,为您的项目确定可持续发展目标,并通过设计和施工实现这些目标, 在满足您的需求和预算的同时,为您提供成功实现所需认证的设施, reducing costs and providing a healthy and eco-friendly environment.

Examples of sustainability certifications received include USGBC’s LEED, Green Building Initiative’s Guiding Principles Compliance, Florida Green Building Coalition, and Energy Star.

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Top 5 Green Manufacturing & Industrial Contractors
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Top 100 Green Building Contractors

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Top 100 Green Building Design Firms

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Top Contractors in Environment – Wastewater Treatment Plants

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Top Contractors in Environment – Sewerage and Solid Waste

Sustainability Accreditation

澳门足彩app的团队由100多名经过认证的专业人员和我们具有可持续发展经验的设计和施工人员组成,他们拥有丰富的专业知识,可以确保您的可持续发展目标得到满足和超越. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies, tools and knowledge, 我们的团队开发并实施高效且具有成本效益的可持续战略,以最大限度地减少项目对环境的影响,并在预算范围内实现您的目标.

澳门足彩app believes it is essential for the company to show its commitment to sustainability beyond its staff. 澳门足彩app是美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)、绿色建筑倡议(GBI)的积极成员,也是远景认证公司. Additionally, 澳门足彩app promotes sustainability in the community with annual Green Apple Day of Service projects, river cleanup and similar sustainability-related volunteer projects.

Our Sustainability Council

The Council promotes Sustainability as a guiding principle of 澳门足彩app. It is organized into three subcommittees – Educate, Engage and Evolve -并确保整个澳门足彩app社区在我们开展业务的方式中融入并倡导可持续发展.

The mission of the Educate 小组委员会通过维护可持续设计理念的数据库来评估并为澳门足彩app团队成员提供材料, providing tools and links to other sustainability programs and features, and providing links to training for sustainability programs. 

The Engage 小组委员会通过沟通的结合,在澳门足彩app团队成员中建立可持续发展问题和可持续实践的意识, challenges and service events. 它宣传可持续发展的最佳做法,并在所有办公室和工作地点开展可持续的业务调整. Evolve is the Council’s “Think Tank” arm, exploring how environmental consciousness can be applied not only by professionals but also by individuals.

Evolve 为我们提供了讨论可持续性和环境影响的无数主题的场所-在设计和施工以及其他方面-并培养可以通过 Dysruptek进行测试或探索的想法和倡议, the Education or Engagement subcommittees.

  • Sujatha Das, Director of Operations, Risk & Controls, Project Operations Support
  • Martha Lluch, Design Manager, Private Facilities AE
  • Mark Schmidt, Specifications Writer, Healthcare Design
  • Peter Skirbst, VP of Integrated Design, Private Facilities AE
  • Jacob Thurlow, Director of Operations, Risk & Controls, Project Operations Support
  • Maria Jose Toro, Development Specialist, Learning, Development & Education
  • Tom Warner, Sustainability Manager, Government Design
  • Alan Wilson, VP, Chief Architect, AE Resource Development

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